Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ah, the sweet smell of success! Emily and I finally got a copy of the Time Log to print last night. High-five, Emily! Also, I finally found my electronic copy of the time log on Googledocs which I am now filling out. (So much for figuring out how to print it!) So happy to see some of you have commented on my humble blog. Keep the comments coming. Maybe we can work this technology thing out together, huh?

I am now bashing and banging about ideas for the screencasting assignment due December 13. I am thinking about conversion factors/picket fence/factor label method of solving algebraic equations in Chemistry. Since I feel like I explain this a million times every year to my students, I might as well put it on a webcast and hit "play", right?

Mary, if you are out there reading this and mulling over ideas yourself, maybe a webcast on how to stain microscope slides properly, eh? (A little Canadian humor there, don't ya know.)

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of creating a screencast of a concept that you know the students struggle with each year. Hey- why not have the students create a screencast explaining the concept? Sometimes, hearing (and seeing) it explained by a peer is the magic trick.
